Welcome to the Tale of the Gamers.
Well, where do I start? I guess at the beginning and I will work from there.
This all came about be my inability to completely finish off painting a Warhammer 40K force. Another major factor that my beautiful wife was pregnant and we needed a nursery, hence my modeling/ painting room had to go.
Now I've been collecting GW and other Companies products for years, so I had quite a large stash of grey plastic. Some of it was assembled and painted, the rest was sat on my painting desk collecting dust. Also a large amount was never built, but sat in a box in a wardrobe.
I had to do something to rectify this and I got chatting to fellow gamers Mart and Angry from Hulls Angels Gaming Club.

I posted in the 40K forums and after a little more discussion with the guys we decided to open it in the WHFB forums too.
Here is the post.
Hi all,
Myself, Angry and Mart have decided to do a Tale of the Gamers style report over the next year

Basically this involves us collecting a new force, set at 250 points, every two months throughout the year.
This then has to be assembled and painted within the two month deadline. Each couple of weeks we will be updating our blogs of our progress of the modelling and painting and hopefully will help keep our hobbying morale in first gear so by the end of the year we will have a full 1500 points collected and painted to enable us to do battle in December 2013.
We have now opened this to WHFB players, 300-350 points painted every two months.
We were wondering if there are any others who would like to join in this little bit of hobby fun.
If there are enough players then there will be a prize for best painted/ converted Army and best Warlord in each system. The prizes wont be anything massive maybe a figure from Forge World or vouchers if we ever agree on where everyone shops.
If any WHFB players are interested please let me know
Regards Skal
So those are the rules and Mart has made up this Blog as a means for everyone to post in and get/ show our progress to each other and any 3rd parties who just want to watch.
My main aim for this Tale of the Gamers is to have a really nicely painted force, which I haven't rushed to complete sat on the table top ready to do battle by the end of December 2013.
Well that's it really, I hope you enjoy watching our progress over the year.
Thanks for reading